Every season finale has questions to answer, but the final episode of The Flash until the fall has more than most.

The Flash has already toyed with our expectations as season 3 nears its close. Now it will cross the “Finish Line” and potentially throw us one or two more swerves.

Anyone thinking the final showdown with Savitar would come during the season finale and that Team Flash would find a way to stave off the death of Iris West had another thing coming. Specifically, we already made it to the tragic scene Barry Allen foresaw, and Iris West is dead.
Unless she isn’t. There are ways she could still be alive even though it really looked like she was stabbed through the chest to die in Barry’s arms.
But putting that aside for a second. what’s left? Well, Barry still has to do something about Savitar in “Finish Line,” because you can’t let a big bad this powerful run around. Our hero at least knows what not to do since he’s been to the future and seen himself mess things up.
A squadron of time remnants is out. Abandoning his friends and family is also a bad idea.
It’s not clear what he might do instead, especially since Savitar knows whatever Barry does. Pictures released from “Finish Line” show Savitar at STAR Labs, so maybe he drops by to gloat. In any case, we aren’t learning much from the official synopsis, which comes to us courtesy of ComingSoon.net.
“With nothing left to lose, Barry takes on Savitar in an epic conclusion to season three.”
Yeah, that’s not much to go on. What you can count on is that Barry will do whatever he can to stop Savitar while Vibe tries to save Killer Frost and regain Caitlin Snow. Expect something other than a total victory and some things for us to talk about during the summer. This is a season finale for a show that’s already been renewed, after all.